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uPVC Flush Casement Windows

uPVC Flush Casement Windows are a great contemporary alternative to traditional casement windows, whilst retaining a similar classic appearance that will perfectly blend in with your property.

Homeowners throughout Nottingham have proven this window design to be incredibly popular, with the sash of the window sitting perfectly within the frame, rather than protruding inwards or outwards.

With this simple factor, uPVC flush casement windows provide a sleek and classy finish to a home that sets it apart from the chunky frames of other uPVC windows.

Here at Regal, our windows come in a variety of different colours and configurations, making them freely customisable to your tastes. Get in touch today to find out more.

uPVC flush casement window Nottingham

Flat Frame

The defining trait of these casement windows is their frame, which sits flush within itself without protruding outwards into the space.

This means that your windows have added visual appeal, while drawing attention to other areas of your Nottingham home.

Create the impression of traditional timber frames with our uPVC Flush Casement Windows.

Durable Locks

All of the windows that we offer here at Regal Windows and Doors come fitted with a robust multi-point locking system.

The uPVC flush casement windows are able to withstand excessive force and intruders trying to enter your house without your permission.

Feel secure in your Nottingham home as your possessions and family will remain safe. Our sturdy locks will ensure you stay protected.

Bespoke Finishes

Our uPVC flush casement windows come in a range of over 25 different colours and finishes.

These are based around nature for a subtle look that complements both traditional and contemporary buildings in Nottingham.

We also offer foiled finishes for our uPVC flush casement windows. This creates a stunning aesthetic for the exterior of your property.

Thermal Insulation

Double glazing is a great way of insulating your Nottingham property and providing a safer, sturdier window that won’t break under force. With two panes of glass separated with a vacuum-sealed chamber, heat will stay in your home for longer. The added thickness of the window also prevents warm air from passing through the glass and escaping your home.

Our uPVC flush casement windows provide outstanding thermal insulation, trapping the warmth within your property and preventing any cold air from coming in from the outside. Because of their outstanding thermal efficiency, you won’t have to rely so much on your central heating, lowering your bills and reducing your carbon footprint.

uPVC flush casement windows Nottingham

Why Choose Regal Windows and Doors?

With over 25 years experience in the field, Regal Windows and Doors is a family run business that prides itself on customer satisfaction and high-quality double glazing products. We offer advice on any kind of installation you want, including our uPVC flush casement windows. We also provide an outstanding service to ensure long lasting products are fitted correctly.

Our installation team won’t just make sure to be as unobtrusive to your daily routine as possible, but we will also clean up after ourselves. Our expert team work with exceptional efficiency so you can enjoy your brand new uPVC flush casement windows in your Nottingham home.

uPVC flush casement windows price Nottingham
uPVC flush casement windows style Nottingham


It is important that your home is protected against even the worst weather the UK can throw its way. Our uPVC Flush Casement Windows use multifunctional seals which line the frames. These keep weather outside, including rain, gales and snow, so your home stays warm and dry.

Our uPVC flush casement windows have over 80 different styles of window and over 40 different colours that you can freely choose from. With stunning finishes to complete the look, you can rest assured that your new flush casement windows will be the perfect fit for your property.

uPVC flush casement windows are made using high-grade uPVC. This is a highly durable and long-lasting material, ideal as an investment. The uPVC doesn’t warp, crack or misshape even after years of exposure to the elements. This makes it a fantastic alternative to timber which needs upkeep.

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uPVC Flush Casement Windows Prices Nottingham

Our uPVC Flush Casement Windows are bespoke for our Nottingham customers. Therefore prices vary depending on your preferences and design options.

Get a quote today by using our free online quoting tool. Just input your specifications and we’ll do the rest!

Get in touch today via our contact page and we will answer your questions. Alternatively, give our office a call on 01158 660055 to ask us anything!

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