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uPVC Casement Windows

Our uPVC casement window framework is made of high-quality materials. The uPVC is a long-lasting material that has incredible strength. They require little upkeep and maintenance to keep looking their best.

Compared to timber frames, uPVC is the best modern material with a timeless aesthetic to your Nottingham property. uPVC casement windows are far less hassle than traditional frames and have much higher performance factors.

uPVC casement window price nottingham

Thermal Efficiency

Our uPVC casement windows are specially designed to provide you with excellent thermal insulation, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable home in Nottingham all year round.

By trapping heat within your home, you won’t have to rely so much on your central heating. This lowers your heating bills and will reduce your carbon footprint.

Low Maintenance

You don’t have to set aside time to repaint your windows every few years with our uPVC casement windows, as they require very little maintenance.

uPVC frames are able to last their entire lifespan without needing any kind of additional upkeep. Timber frames often need repainting to keep their appearance, but uPVC is able to keep its look for decades.

Competitive Costs

Here at Regal Windows and Doors, we offer you competitive prices for all our installations. We are proud to provide both high quality and attractive prices.

We want our customers to be satisfied with their uPVC casement windows. To find out more about the cost of your installation, contact us today.

Sculptured or Chamfered Frames

Our uPVC casement windows are available with both sculptured or chamfered frames. A sculptured frame is the best option for older, more traditional properties. This is because of its authentic styling that still benefits from all the best of modern double glazing technology.

Chamfered frames are the more versatile, subtler option, best for seamlessly blending into your traditional or contemporary home in Nottingham. Both are incredibly sturdy and have been tested on their weatherproofing abilities.

uPVC casement window prices nottingham

Why Choose Regal Windows?

Regal Windows and Doors is a family run business. We offer exceptional customer service from design right through to installation. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, we are happy to give you free professional advice for any kind of project that you are doing.

We pride ourselves on our outstanding professionalism. Our high-quality uPVC Casement Windows are reliable, long-lasting and will provide you with years of performance values. Get in touch today for a uPVC casement window to make a statement to your home in Nottingham.

uPVC casement window style nottingham
uPVC casement window styles nottingham

Versatile Design

Casement windows are incredibly versatile. We offer a huge 83 variations uPVC casement window design including frames, finishes and accessories. They can be manufactured to fit all kinds of dimensions and sizes, from single windows to bays.

Every uPVC casement window can be designed and customised by you to perfectly suit your property and your aesthetic. Get in touch today to find out how we can improve your home.

To make sure that your windows will perfectly suit your property, we offer a range of over 26 different colours and foils. The finish on the uPVC Casement Windows is durable, meaning it won’t require any of the repainting, varnishing or sanding that timber frames often need.

With interior and exterior colour options, you can suit the aesthetic of both the outside and inside your home. See our full range of colour options today for your uPVC casement window. We guarantee you will find something to suit your tastes.

All of the uPVC windows that we supply come fitted with a high-security locking system fitted as standard. The multi-point locking system is incredibly secure against forced entry. Openable windows are also fitted with a vent locking position, meaning your home is well ventilated.

The uPVC casement windows meet the PAS24 and Secured By Design standard so you can rely on our exceptional locks. stay safe at home in Nottingham with our casement windows

Get Your Free Quote

uPVC Windows Prices Nottingham

Our uPVC casement windows are made to measure for our Nottingham customers. Therefore prices vary depending on your choice of design.

Get a free quote today by using our handy online tool. You can use it on as many products as you like!

Get in touch today via our contact page and we will answer any of your queries. Alternatively, give our office a call on 01158 660055 to ask us anything!

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